Friday, December 16, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?
Gee, I don't know. Wasn't someone born on Christmas? OHYEAH. Jasper, of course! It's always nice waking up at 4 in the morning on Christmas to a nice puddle of yuck, only to give birth 12 hours later.
2. Worst/Funniest White Elephant gift ever received?
I have no idea what that even is, and I probably wouldn't participate even if I did know.

3. Is your Christmas tree plain and simple (white lights and matching ornaments) or is it wild and crazy (colored lights with lots of ornaments collected over the years)?
I FINALLY got what I've always wanted - a white Christmas tree. Yes, I have a 4ft white tree and I couldn't be happier. It has colored lights (pink included!) and my ornaments are all silver. I plan to add in a new color each year.

4. "How" do you iron your clothes? The old fashioned iron/ironing board way, the shower, back in the dryer, etc.
I own an awesome iron. However, no board. I'm 21 years old. I wear jeans and tank tops and hoodies. Why in the world would I waste my time ironing those things? My husband, however, has a work uniform that must be spiffy. So, we throw it in the dryer for 15 minutes before he has to get dressed.

5. How much baking do you do for Christmas and what are your "must make" items?
Now that I'm 3 hours away from my own personal baker (my mommy, of course!) I guess that means I must bake for my own children, right? I actually fall for the things that need no baking. Peanut butter balls being my favorite. And I do sugar cookies, of course. I'm not sure that Santa would appreciate a nice peanut butter ball like I do. Okay, I'm lying. I'm too greedy and wouldn't want to share them with the jolly old man!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

He sleeps like a baby

I realize I haven't updated in awhile, so here goes! Jasper had his adenoidectomy on November 29th. It was such a quick procedure. Paisley had to go with us and we had to be at the surgery center at SIX in the morning. But, we made it there and my baby boy had his surgery. It's always heartbreaking when you walk into the recovery room to see your baby screaming and fighting the nurses, and with an IV still in his leg. Even Paisley knew something wasn't right. She kept asking for "baby," and "where Japper?" Once we started walking towards his recovery room, Paisley lit up and darted towards her baby bubber. And while he was gurgling and choking and trying so hard to nurse, she patted his back saying "okay baby, okay." She can be such a good sister when she wants to be.

Right after surgery.
Mommy milk cures all!
 Dr. Bob told us that Jaspers adenoids were HUGE. Do I need to clarify again? Apparently they were the size of Dr. Bobs own thumb. I know what you're thinking.... a thumb isn't big. Do you know where an adenoid is? It's in the back of your nose, toward your throat. In an itty bitty baby, a man sized thumb in a throat is HUGE. He literally had someones hand, er, thumb, blocking off his airway as he slept. He's now recovered and I can't even notice him breathing as he sleeps. That's right - I'm actually checking to make sure he's breathing. Weird, huh? When he really was having difficulties, I checked of course. And now that the issue is resolved, I am STILL checking. Not because he's snoring or gasping, but because I can't hear him sleep. Did you catch that? I can't hear him. It's all okay now. My baby boy can sleep like a baby. Not like an old 50 year old man who weighs 850 pounds. He. sleeps. like. a. baby.

Note: I'm not dumb. I have babies. I know that sleeping like a baby isn't the most exciting thing in the world. They wake up crying. It isn't 12 hours of quiet. But for him to wake up means that he's still breathing. And THAT is exciting.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
 Whatever kind the kids leave out for Santa to eat. :)
... which will probably be sugar cookies. I'm not aware of the Christmas cookie varieties.

2. What's your favorite holiday movie & why?
I wasn't prepared for this question! I need more time to study. Seriously, I've never really given it much thought.

3. Is there a gift that you bought for your kids that you wish you hadn't after they opened it?
Christmas hasn't happened yet. I mean, last year all Paisley got was a little brother. I was pretty ecstatic to unwrap him although I'm sure she wishes he would go back to where he came from...

4. What is the messiest room in your house right at this moment?
The kitchen. Who isn't going to answer with the kitchen?

5. What is the furthest you have driven for the holidays?
I don't drive. Although, I did make Brandon drive us to Asheville 2 Christmas' ago. It's a 3 hour drive and it was so so worth it. :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Five Question Friiiday

1. What is your favorite Christmas decoration in your house?
My babies when they're running/crawling around in their Santa Claus diapers, of course! And in second place, this adorable tiny little nativity scene that has forever been my moms. She gave it to me last year and I just adore it.

2. Do you finish your Christmas shopping early or are you a last minute type?
Last minute. We literally have to save up all our money in order to get Christmas. And even then, we barely get anything. Because in this house, we celebrate Taxmas. When the taxes start rolling in, that's when presents appear.

3. When do you turn on your heat?
Whenever I feeeeeel like it! If I get the tiniest bit cold, I'm using my heat. Mostly at night and in the morning. I try to do without during the day.

4. Do you ever wish your blog was private?
Sometimes. I'd like to bitch and moan about people in my life and obviously can't do that here. But, that's what God made husbands for, anyways. Right? So we can bitch to them.

5. Do you put your deodorant on before of after you put on your shirt?
I think that no matter how it's done, you're screwed. I put my bra and tank top on first. Then I pull the armpit piece of tank waaaaaaaaaaaay down while I do the deodorant. Then I put my hoody on. That's right - I skip an actual shirt for fear of deodorant. And let me just say, that I always end up with pit stains despite deodorant. Eff you chalky substance. Eff youuuu.