Okay, that sounds harsh. I can honestly say that I don't know what it's like to have a best friend. My first best friend I met when I was only 2 and we were inseperable until her family moved at age 11. We continued to see each other on a regular basis until recently. We're into different things and even though we're both moms, even that can't keep us close in contact. We go back and forth, we'll talk for a few nights straight, then we won't talk again for another 9 months. And yet, she's still on my list of bests. My next is Courtney, rather known as my complete opposite. Nobody understands it but we've been through everything together. From age 13 to now (21) she's kept me grounded. She's doing the college and career thing while I'm doing the wife and mom thing, sometimes I envy her. But always I adore her. Past that I gots no one. I have some friends here and there that I love very much, but I'm not in their list of bests so they don't make mine. HAH. Take that for bitterness. Although my most recent addition would be the sweet sweet Christa! She has quickly become the closest thing I have to one of those "friends-who-drop-everything-just-to-listen-to-you-bitch" types of friends. She is a SAINT. We're exactly alike, aside from one thing. The bitch likes to cook and clean. Okay, she may not like it, but she sure as hell does it a lot more than I do. I want to be like that. I'm slowly learning through her. But it's quite hard to give up my pizza by delivery, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Subway, McDonalds, McDonalds... damn, I finished my McDonalds milkshake. :( Oh.... right. See what I mean? I think I'm rubbing off on her though. I'm gaining her good habits and she's gaining my bad ones. We can meet in the middle, right? That will make us perfect, and also, just like twins. Too bad my best is 3 HOURS AWAY. Seriously, I'm beginning to hate that B and I had to move. And yes Christa, feel special and don't ruin this. I will keelz yew if you screw up the friend code in any way. And I'll pour bleach on your cloth diapers. And then I'll empty out your kitchen and replace everything with little debbies (okay, probably just the boxes since they're my weakness). Oh, and I'll steal your apple peeler slicer thingymabob, and your backyard. And maybe even your kids. But you can keep Madison. I don't need an older Paisley. This is a horrible post but I needed to ask Christa a serious question.... will you... send me a freaking amber necklace? KIDDING.
EDIT: So I guess it was rude of me to not mention some of the great friends in my life, even if I'm not first in their list. Jamie, also known as my "bestow" (thanks to cell phone typing error, it has become our word). She and I have an interesting past, and now, here we are as mommies to our beautiful 2 year old girls (only 3 months apart) and we're still as close as ever. And did I mention she's an incredible photographer? - go there, doooooooo it.
I also have Alex, who funny enough, became my friend in Parenting class in High School. We fell apart and reconnected once we realized that we both the ridiculous move to the Charlotte area, and she's also a mommy. Paisley is kind of in love with her son. :)
AND OHMYGOODNESS, I didn't even mention my husband. He pointed this out to me. I just assume that everybody knows he's my ultimate best friend. Because he is. We don't have the same interests exactly but boy oh boy he can make me laugh. And cry. And other things. And well, he's just incredible. It's one thing to marry someone you love, but it's another thing to marry your best friend.
AND there's always my mom. I call her on a daily basis just to tell he the dumb stuff my kids do that nobody else cares about. She listens and she giggles, because she's a friend. If you don't see your mom as being your best friend, you should. She's the one person who can't ever judge you poorly, so why not take advantage of that? ;)
I should say that I'm grateful for the people in my life, even if you are 3 hours away and I only see you once a year. I lose sight of my friendships here and there. I get down on myself when I see you hanging out with your other friends and I'm tossed to the side. But that shouldn't matter. I've always got you when I'm in need and I've also got my husband, and he can't go anywhere without having to pay me. SO I think I'll manage. :)
I just wanted to write something and I'm not ready to continue on with the birth stories. I've had a good few days and I don't want to make myself cry thinking about Braylon. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Or next month. Hrm.