WARNING: This post could turn ugly, or just mushy IlovemyhusbandsoverymuShidon'tknowwhati'dowithouthimhe'sabeautifulhumanbeing CRAP that wives sometimes write about.
(Hubs, I hope you caught that big ol' "s" in my word "much," you're the only one who gets the hilarious significance of that hehe)
Start from the beginning? Let's not. Just know that my husband and I got together in a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE way, but very quickly fell in love, which totally made it worth it to me. And look at us now. We obviously had great reasons unknown as to why we got together the way we did. (If you must know, I was having problems in my 1st marriage, met B, fell in love, moved in with him, and made a Paisley). I was and still am obviously very close with my family. My husband, however, wasn't lucky enough to have the same upbringing. Okay, I don't mean that he was unlucky. He definitely had a less than ideal childhood, but I wouldn't say he's unlucky in the least bit. I won't go into details, because some things should be kept between a man and his wife. Especially when referring to the hard times of a man (they don't always express their emotions, in case you weren't aware). Actually, I believe that I'M the lucky one, because of him. He struggles a lot with the idea that he hasn't accomplished much in life. I struggle to understand why he thinks this. The man has a family. He has created two beautiful children and he has honest to God saved me from myself. Now THAT is an accomplishment. No, he didn't graduate from college, and no he doesn't have a great career. But he does take care of us. My husband is sick. No, not gross as in he doesn't bathe or he has strep at the moment or he has crazy weird fetishes (that I know of). He literally has a disease that effects his liver and his overall well-being. He could be on disability, but he won't settle for that. He goes to work every day and works a shitty job so he can support ME and our CHILDREN. Now if that isn't a man, I don't know what one is.
There has always been questioning about his "character," or his intentions. I'm here to set it straight. He has broken the mold. If character was defined by one's upbringing, he wouldn't be with me today. He wouldn't support me or our kids. He'd be God knows where... and honestly, he woudn't be alive much longer. Don't question my husbands character. This is a low effing blow. He has been through way more than you could ever imagine, and yet he still gets up every day to take care of his family. He puts himself through hell for us when based on his childhood, he should have ran nearly 3 years ago. HISTORY DOESN'T ALWAY REPEAT ITSELF. And he is proof of that. He's breaking the mold and he's giving the Spillers/Townsends a new and improved generation and beliefs to uphold. I look up to you. I don't always show it and I definitely don't show my appreciation for you nearly enough as I should. But I promise you that not a day goes by where I don't look at you and wonder how you're even still here. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are far from perfect, but you're MY perfection.
Let's be frank. You're freakishly tall, you have a country accent, you're a certified Geek by all accounts, but you're also the thug that nobody wants to mess with (please tell me how you pull those off at the same time), and you're not exactly model material. Okay, I still stand by the fact that your face is model material (at least for a bad boys modeling agency... what girl doesn't love scars?!) You're not rich and you're pretty damn grumpy. Like 98.5% of the time. And you're lazy, and you're more needy than a high needs newborn. Seriously, bow down to me because I don't know any other woman who would be willing to take care of your grump-ass. But hey, I still love you and somehow find reasons here and there to tend to you hand in foot (just don't ask me for the reasons cause I blame it on love...)And despite all of these less than perfect things about you, I still love you. I still need you. I still enjoy you. We're polar opposites, and yet I NEED you. We're like a big battery operated heart (only your side is covered in comic book characters and air jordans (wtf?) and mine is covered in random but strong heart felt words... and probably some baby poo and old breastmilk). We have to stick together (you can be the - and i'll be the +) and the heart just wouldn't work if we weren't jammed into that dumb backside together. You're the - since you tend to be negative, by the way. Just another not ideal trait of yours. But you're also realistic so you get points for that.
I swear, I had an intent for writing this but I got so flipping side tracked that now I've lost the original purpose. But maybe somewhere in that mumbo jumbo of word vomit that I just sprayed all over the internet, somebody will understand.
And yes, I do love me some cinnamon sugar toast but I'm not positive that it's my favorite type of bread product. I'm also quite fond of the slice with marshmallow cream in a fluffernutter sammich. I'm also fond of any type of sandwhich cut into the shape of an elephant. (thank you elephant sandwhich cutter).
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