I think that this is a good time to post my stance on breastfeeding. I obviously breastfeed. I am an advocate for breastfeeding, and I am a Lactivist.
"I believe anyone who believes in, supports and promotes breastfeeding and the value it provides to mother and child is a Lactivist."
Plain as day, there it is. I believe that us as women were MADE to nurture our children in any way possible. We were made to nourish their bodies with our own milk. I understand that some women are unable, and I am okay with that. If your body (or your childs) just isn't compatible with the art of breastfeeding, then I understand your choice or inability not to do it. I do, however, believe that every woman should ATTEMPT to breastfeed. Aside from choosing to keep your child once finding out you're pregnant, this is the first and most important decision you must make for your child. It seperates the uneducated or selfish women apart from the ones who understand the benefits and are able to seperate societys obsession with sex and appearance. All that baby wants is some colostrum! At least give him that much. Colostrum is the very first and most healthy food that a child should receive. And once the typical 3 days is up, if it isn't right for you, fine. At least you gave that baby the best thing you could, even if just for a few days. That is better than nothing, and your child will thank you one day (okay, not litereally but growing up healthy is good enough for me).
In The United States, it is considered taboo to breastfeed up to a year, or even 6 months, or at all! This just baffles me. In other countries, a child may breastfeed up to age 7. No typo there, either. It is actually reccomended to wean from age 2-7, and not before. I know that in this country that is INSANE. However, I have made the choice to let Jasper wean himself. He will quit nursing when he is good and ready. I won't do it for him. As my duty to comfort my child, if nursing comforts him (and boosts his immunity) then why would I take that away from him?
I appreciate all women who breastfeed. I especially appreciate those who struggle, but still continue in hopes that it will all fall into place. If it doesn't, and you must switch to formula, then be my guest. I applaud you. Formula is not a horrible thing, it is amazing that mankind has been able to create something that can mimic the nutritional value of breast milk. No, it doesn't boost immunity, and no it isn't a first aid kit, but it is enough for a child to sustain life for their first year. We're lucky to have that option. My daughter was breastfed until the age of 5 months when I lost my supply, and I put her on formula for the remaining 7 months - no big deal. I am not against it. And for those who are worried about societys views, I can honestly say that I have yet to get a gross look from a stranger when nursing in public. At the very worst, somebody has walked away. Nobody has told me to go to a bathroom or put a blanket over my child, or asked me why I would ever promote pornography to such a young soul. I believe that with the right education, and more lactivists in the world, it is becoming more and more acceptable in todays society. And I thank those who support us breastfeeders. The husbands, the grandparents, the sisters, the brothers, the in-laws, the doctors, and the strangers. You have no idea how much it means to us to know that somebody out there supports our right to feed our baby the natural way.
Breastfeeding is beautiful.
... even if it does destroy your once perky boobies. So what?
I have to say, my once perky boobs are so not perky.....and I was only able to breast feed about two weeks. So perky boobs should not be an incentive to formula feed, cause they'll sag even then! just saying!!